Over the last two weeks we have been learning about the number 1000. We have been developing an understanding of the quantity of 1000 and also developing an understanding of the relationship between 1000, 100 and 10. At the beginning of the period Mrs Millett told us that we were going to have to collect 1000 items.
We talked about some ideas for our collections and decided upon the following collections:
Stickers- Ben and Kieren, Nadia and Prinisha, Sunghyun and Sam
Ice block sticks- Rebecca and Daniel, Amber and Pyper, Keita and James
Finger prints- Vasti and Gauri, Jude and Joshua, Stani and Estelle
Stones- Jack and Gareth
Split peas- Liri and Jessie
Toothpicks- Jade and Sherise
Counters- Monique and Natasha
Bottle caps- Logan and Adam.
After several busy days of collecting we were ready to present our collections and all of our learning. Today we shared our collections with the class and also completed a "Define Map" where we defined 1000 in all the ways we had used to collect the magic total. Here are some of our presentations:
Room 16 learners
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Hit Counter
Mr Millett's latest boy Zero book has just been released! We were so excited when we discovered that he had dedicated this book to "Room 16"!!! We have been writing opinions about his books. The best opinion will be winning a "Zero G cupcake". Wow- Here are our opinions:
I like Mr Millett's books because:
General Pandemonium is so funny. He talks for too long....beep! Heh, I have not stopped recording my message yet. Thanks for dedicating the book to us. By Jade P
It's so fantastic that it blowed my mind away when I was reading it . My favourite character is General Pandemonium. He's funny and also his new inventions are called, "Zero G cupcakes". I hope Charlie saves the world!! By Monique F
You have written funny stuff. I like General Pandemonium because he was pretending to be a rock star and turned every one in to zombies. I also liked it when General Pandemonium was trying to destroy the earth. By Ben M
Because General Pandemonium is hilarious, evil and destructible! By Gareth M
It's got funny words and exhilarating events and it makes me crack up. I like the funny way you did General Pandemonium with a big nose. I like the funny pictures and how you dedicated the book to R16. By Rebecca E
Because Master Sushi is cool and all the characters are cool! By Daniel W
Because they are really funny. My best character is Charlie Applejack. Boy Zero books are the funniest books in the whole of NZ. By Stani M
Because Charlie tries to beat the worst superhero in the world and it was a bit weird. General P is a loser! By Gauir R
Because it has interesting words and it is cool and awesome! I like the 3rd book because Charlie wears a huge, heavy shoe. You are the best book writer! By Sunghyun Y
Because the super hero is so amazing. He can fight and fly and fight General Pandemonium. I like Mr Millett's books- I love them! By Adam W
Because it has lots of expression and jokes in it! by Vasti V
Because they are very funny and interesting. My favourite characters are Charlie and Genreral P. General Pandemonium is very funny! By Natasha A
Because the third book is dedicated to Room 16 and I am in Room 16. We were excited- it was cool. Very , very cool. By Joshua S
Because General Pandemonium and Charlie Applejack are very funny! By Keita T
Because Charlie Applejack is very funny. He said "Charlie Applejack to the rescue!" and then he tripped on his shoe lace and then said, "Charlie Applejack to the rescue ... again" By Prinisha N
Because Charlie Applejack always saves the day. Like when he flyed up and caught the post. It was a very good story. When General Pandemonium tried to plummet the pants it was a very funny bit. Lieutenant Curse said, "Your doll is ready for inspection" General Pandemonium was cross and said, "It is an action figure!" By Amber
Because the books are soo good! I can't even tell you how awesome they are!!!! They're are so hilarious! By Logan K
Because they are funny and because they are appropriate and also because the characters are funny. The pictures are also hilarious. By Kieren E
Because you think of everybody. My favourite character is General Pandemonium. I'm wondering what your next book would be like? General Pandemonium is always trying to take over the world! By James B
Because it is funny and I like General Pandemonium and Charlie Applejack. By Estelle D
Because Boy Zero is so awesome. I also like your books because I've read book 1 and 2. My favourite was Charlie Applejack, Commander Ron and Josh. I've been waiting for Book 3, and I can't wait for Book 4! By Jack H
Because they are funny and interesting. I think Charlie Applejack is funny! By Pyper N
Because the books are super funny especially General Pandemonium. I love all your Boy Zero series. What is the next series going to be? I can't wait until the next one comes out. The Petrifying plot of the plummeting pants, The attack of the brain dead break dancing zombies and the curse of the catastrophic cupcakes are all "Supertastic!" By Nadia L
Because he started to write when he was 8 years old. He uses laughter and excitement and his kindness in his stories. The books are the funniest and well written as well. I think he is the best story teller ever! They are so funny, the whole class starts to laugh and and especially me. I really, really love your books. Every time you write you get a lot better! I think the cupcake will be delicious. I think you are great! By Sherise N
Because Charlie Applejack is funny and General Pandemonium is funny. By Liri J
Because General Pandemonium is funny. He tries to get Charlie Applejack with funny machines. He tries to destroy the world. By Jessie P
Because his books are: evil, powerful, unstoppable and funny! Charlie Applejack is really funny. By Jude P
Because the characters are cool! My favourite is Charlie Applejack. He wants to go to the Super School, but misses out!! Ouch! By Sam C
We have been in Room 16 for 2 weeks now, and one of the first things we did was to develop our own class treaty. We looked at the Upper Harbour values and decided what they looked like in Room 16. Here is what we came up with.
Room 16’s Treaty
We have a treaty because it makes us feel safe, happy and able to learn.
Looking after myself means: I will-
·Walk on the concrete paths and in the classroom
·Look after my belongings
·Listen and concentrate on my learning
·Wear my hat and sunscreen outside
·Actively participate in the learning
·Tell the truth
·Make mistakes- that’s how we learn!
·Ask others for help
·Try, try and try again….
Looking after others means: I will-
· Let other people think
· Say kind things or encouraging things
· Share my ideas and make them clear
· Share my learning
· Share the classroom equipment
· Play fair
· Help others
· Look after people who are hurt or new
· Include others by asking them to play or work
· Listen to them
· Look after their things
· Have fun!!
Looking after the environment means: I will-
· Pick up any rubbish I see on the ground- even if it’s not mine
· Keep out of the gardens- they are for our plants!
· Tidy up after myself
· Make sure I don’t drop any rubbish
Using right time, right place, right person thinking means: I will-
· Be in the right place at the right time, e.g. remember I only run on the field
· Be ready on time, e.g. back quickly after lunch
· Remember to talk to the right people about the right things, e.g. tell important things to people you trust
6 February
Dear Room 16,
Hi there, I'm Mrs Millett. I was born on the North shore in Auckland, and have lived in Auckland all my life. I am married to Peter, who is a children's book writer. I have two children called Geoffrey (11) who attends Northcross Intermediate and Georgia (7) who is in Year 3 at Glamorgan Primary in Torbay.
I love teaching and have been a teacher for 15 years. I really enjoy working with children and helping them to reach their potential and develop a love of learning. I particularly love teaching art, music, english and maths, as these are areas of interest for me. In my job as a teacher I also like teaching children the love of singing and take the senior choir at UHPS.
I have several interests outside teaching. These include walking, travelling around New Zealand, spending time with my family, cooking and going to the movies. I also enjoy the visual arts and from time to time I like to make cards and use my sewing machine to make patchwork quilts.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all too. How about you write me a letter about yourself. You can tell me about who you are, your family, what you like to do and about your hopes and dreams.
Looking forward to reading your letters,
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Millett
Simon says
Boy Zero 3: Trailer
UHPS Circus fun!!!
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.