On Wednesday Room 16 went to "Big Ups!" It was a great day, and we had heaps of fun doing practical movement (physics) activities. We experienced several forces including GRAVITY, BALANCED and UNBALANCED FORCES, FRICTION, PRESSURE and PUSH and PULL!! Watch our movie to see what we got up to at "Big Ups!"
Room 16 learners
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This year at UHPS we have started thinking about our learning and thinking using using SOLO Taxonomy.
SOLO stands for:
O bserved
L earning
O utcomes
We have looked at different levels of thinking outcomes that we move through as we learn to learn. Each level represents a greater level or depth of thinking and understanding in the given topic.If we don't know anything about the topic we say that our thinking outcome is: PRESTRUCTURAL
If we know one relevant thing about the topic we say that our thinking outcome is: UNISTRUCTURAL
If we know more than one thing about the topic we say that out thinking outcome is: MULTISTRUCTURAL
If we know many things about the topic and can explain relationships between the items we say that our thinking outcome is: RELATIONAL
If we know many things about the topic and can make connections within the subject and also beyond it, making predictions or generalisations our thinking outcome is: EXTENDED ABSTRACT.
Watch this space to find out how we "learn to learn" by investigating our thinking using SOLO taxonomy.
FRIDAY 17th June
Today Mrs Millett gave us a brainstorming sheet and asked us to write down in pencil everything we knew about the story, "Goldilocks and the three bears." We listed around our brainstorm lots of facts including "goldilocks ate the porridge", "there were three bears: mother, father, baby." At this stage of the task we all achieved a Multistructural thinking outcome as we could list a lot of facts about the story.
Next Mrs Millett gave us a question to think about. She asked us: What are some of the aspects about the ways the bears live that tell us that this is not a real life situation? We answered this question using a blue pen. Some of our ideas included, "The bears in the story could talk". At this stage in the task we achieved a Relational thinking outcome as we were having to relate the story to real life.
Each time we wrote our thinking down we talked about how we had extended our thinking and added depth to our ideas.
Lastly, Mrs Millett asked us a really tricky question: Why do fairy tales allow animals to act like humans? We had to add our new ideas to the brainstorm using a green pen. We came up with some clever ideas like, "fairy tales allow animals to be like humans because we can relate to them better". Some of our ideas were beginning to be Extended Abstract thinking outcomes!!!
Until next time... Keep thinking!!
Last week we had our Cross Country run. It was a very exciting day, and we all ran our feet out!! Here are some of our favourite recounts about the event.
The Cross Country Race. By Sherise Naidoo
Running up and down with stomping feet everywhere. People were shouting, "Go... go...go...!" I couldn't take the noise- my ears hurt!
When suddenly, "Go!", and I whispered to myself, "Who was that!". Mr Shore said again, "7 year old girls please come up."
As soon as everyone was ready, Mr Shore told us we where to start and he held up something weird. "One, two, three..BANG!"
I started step by step running up and down. As I went down the nature trail I heard the gravel going crackle, crunch, crackle, crunch. I was going to Lady Phoenix reserve. I was puffed, but I kept going. It was very tiring. As I saw the finish line, I was faster.
I got there, but I was too late because only fifteen people made it into the finals.. and I was seventeenth! I was amazed with myself. "Wow!" I said.
CROSS COUNTRY By Rebecca Evans
There I was sitting in a line with the rest of the 8 year old girls. My heart was pounding. I was nervous. Soon it was our turn. The 8 year old girls stepped on the starting line. In my mind I said, "I can't believe it's the cross country." "Bang"! the clapper yelled.
I zoomed off my feet. I could feel the wind blowing in my face. By now I was up the nature trail. I could hear the crunching of the little rocks and the leaves brushing on my ankles. I went through "Lady Phoenix Reserve." I was as hot as the sun when I got out.
I knew that I was a couple of seconds away from the finish line so I sped up the nature trail and zoomed to the finish line. "Yay!" I said as I passed the finish line. I came 10th. I thought I might be going to Interschool! I had the best time ever!The Cross Country By Sam Compton
There I was at the cross country, in rows of children and the beautiful air. Three minutes later when it was the girls turn the boys cheered for the girls.
When it was our turn and then something banged! I ran as fast as I could and when I got to the finish line, I came 15th! Wow, I was fast.
And some girls shouted, "Go, go, go!" When I was running, I was proud.
What great recounts! And it was a really fun day too. Thanks Mr Shore for organizing the Cross Country.
Simon says
Boy Zero 3: Trailer
UHPS Circus fun!!!
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