We all reflected about our learning in Term 2. We had to complete self evaluative sentences. Here are a few of our reflections- we hope you enjoy listening to them. You might like to leave us a comment:)
Room 16 learners
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It's the holidays again! Over the next couple of weeks you might be really busy with your family and friends. If you have some time and want something to do, here's a couple of ideas:
Writing- Write a CHARACTER DESCRIPTION. Describe a character (mum, SpongeBob, Cinderella, Mrs Millett) in detail- what they look like, sound like and act like. Use lots of adjectives and maybe even similes and metaphors too.
You may want to include the following in your description:
1. Your character's name2. At least eight adjectives (Use a thesaurus to find colorful adjectives.)
3. A major goal of your character.
4. at least two similes
5. a physical description
6. tell character's likes, dislikes, some actions, etc.
7. What does your character wear, or carry around?
8. Your character's greatest strength.
9. Your character's greatest weakness.
10. Your character's favorite hangout.Maths-
Practise your basic facts- use any of the links on the blog
Increase your basic fact speed by completing some 5 minute frenzies- www.maths_drills.com
Bake a cake- measuring all the ingredients- take a photo of your creation to show us in class.
Take a calculator when you go grocery shopping and add up the total as you go
Make a cool creation/ machine out of geometric blocks or shapes- You can make 3D shapes out of cardboard or paper too- www.senteacher.org/wk/3dshape.php. Photograph your creation.
Draw some graphs about your own statistical investigation- ask your friends a question-e.g: What is your favourite author?
Build with lego. Create something really creative!
Reading- Read your poems to your family
Read books from home
Read texts from educational sites on the internet
Go to the library and get out some new books
Read a magazine
Read a recipe- make something yummy!
Read a craft book- make something creative!
If you do any of these things- please bring them along to school in Term 3 and show us or tell us about your holiday learning!! Happy holidays!
Today we had our Tipa team Poetry Finals. Prinisha, Kieran and Natasha did themselves proud along with 15 other children from the middle school. It was a great event, and all children performed well. Congratulations to all place getters and especially to our very own Natasha for coming second place! The results for the Poetry Finals were as follows:
- Vincent Janse Van Rensberg
- Natasha Alijabar
- Olivia Cowie and Arnay Maharaj

In Week 9 Upper Harbour put on an exciting Variety Show. Each class excelled themsleves by performing an exciting dance, music, cultural or drama.
Our class joined with our buddy class, (Room 4) to start night two's evening. We learnt and performed 4 Maori songs: "Haere mai, Kapo kapo ringa ringa, a Fruit Salad haka and E rere taku poi."
Here we are in our Maori culture headbands, and performing in the hall.
We have finished all of our poetry recitals and after a very hard decision we have decided that Kieran, Natasha and Prinisha will be going through to the finals next week. Well done to Jade and Ben who were in our top five!! Well done to everyone for a great effort with your oral language!! Can't wait to see how our finalists go next week- Good luck!
Watch these great poems from 8 more children in Room 16.
Have a listen to some more of our fantastic poetry recitals!!
This week we had our Room 16 Poetry recitals. Everyone in Room 16 had to learn and recite an entertaining poem to the class. Our poems were marked by our peers who were looking for good poem choice, expression, voice clarity and body language. In Week 11 our three finalists will compete against the rest of the children in the Tipa team in the Poetry Finals. Good luck everyone!!
Here is a sample of our poetry recitals!!
Simon says
Boy Zero 3: Trailer
UHPS Circus fun!!!
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.