We have had a great term of Gymnastics. We learnt to use a range of pieces of equipment while moving, balancing and rotating in our rhythmic gymnastics sessions with "North Shore Rythmic Gymnastics". We have also learnt how to tumble and balance on our heads correctly with Mrs Pittman. Thanks to our fantastic gym teachers- we had lots of fun learning new routines and skills!
Watch the movie to see us in our gymnastics sessions this term:
Room 16 learners
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In week 6 we had a really exciting surprise! Two police helicopters landed on our school field. Here are some recounts about the experience.
The Helicopter- By Stani
Frrrrr..Frrrrr.. "The helicopter is landing!" I shouted. Just as the flying sand flew in my face 4 men slipped down the rope they they were all dressed in black.
Josh shouting and stared at the helicopter. It was coming two times. At the first time I was thinking where will it land? and where did it come from.The helicopter was turning in the air. The black men were packing up the rope in the bag.
The police are coming! -By Sam
Yay! Today we had visitors at school- it was a helicopter.When it was over us it was loud and like a wind cyclone with it's propeller.
It landed with it's landers and black people out. Two minutes later the helicopter came back. "Oh no are they going to shoot us!" but they didn't,they just took the people away. It was awesome!-and it went over my house.
Published by Amber Bevan.
Simon says
Boy Zero 3: Trailer
UHPS Circus fun!!!
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