Room 16 learners
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In Room 16 we have been writing poems. Today we wrote some cinquains. A Cinquain is a 5 line poem with specific language features on each line:
Line 1- Noun
Line 2- 2 adjectives
Line 3- 3 verbs
Line 4- adverrbs or adverb phrase
Line 5- Noun (synonym)
Here are some of our cinquains:
Great, Ancient,
Turning, Orbiting, Spinning
Like a spinning top
Planet By Keita T
Large, Fluffy
Eating, Sleeping, Walking
Boring like a pillow
Lamb By Logan K
Cute, Soft
Running, Licking, Playing
Fun, Playful, Cuddly, Loveable
Cat By Natasha A
Cuddly, Hairy,
Drinking, Eating, Jumping
Happy, Cheerful, Playful, Loving
Dogs By Liri H
Colourful, Sparkly,
Appearing, Disappearing, Shining
Shimmery in the sky
Reflection By Nadia L
Tiny, Cute,
Running, Eating, Playing
Playful, Happy, Cuddly, Loveable
Cat By Ben M
Tiny, Hairy,
Catching, Lazing, Purring
Catching lots of birds
Cat By Daniel W
It has been another exciting weekend. This week in our recounts we have tried to include lots of language features to make our writing more interesting. See if you can spot the similes, alliteration, metaphors, adverbs, onomatopoeias and adjectives.
Guy Fawkes- By Gareth M
In the cold dark night. I saw exploding golden fireworks like a leprechaun pot of gold. The firework was a asteroid going to space but exploding half way there like a volcano's lava. I felt excited like I had eaten all of the candy in the whole world. Bang!! One of the fireworks went off- that was one of the biggest ever! Then it was silent. I smelt the last piece of smoke. It was over, but I'm waiting for tomorrow.
Guy forks day-by Pyper N
Smash fizzle bang! The fire works went in the dark blue sky.The fire works looked like fancy dancers dancing in the sky. It made me feel joyful and amazing. After a little while we did sparklers. It made me feel like I was the fire work although I am not a fire work . When I looked up the night was nearly over so we did the last firework and it faded in the night blue sky.
Simon says
Boy Zero 3: Trailer
UHPS Circus fun!!!
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