
Room 16 learners

Room 16 learners
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It's the holidays! It's great to have a break isn't it. Over the next couple of weeks you might be really busy with your family and friends. If you have some time and want something to do, here's a couple of ideas:
Practise your basic facts- use any of the links on the blog
Increase your basic fact speed by completing some 5 minute frenzies-
Bake a cake- measuring all the ingredients
Take a calculator when you go grocery shopping and add up the total as you go
Make a cool creation/ machine out of geometric blocks or shapes- You can make 3D shapes out of cardboard or paper too-
Draw some graphs about your own statistical investigation- ask your friends a question-e.g: What is your favourite author?
Build with lego. Create something really creative!

Read your poems to your family
Read books from home

Read texts from educational sites on the internet

Go to the library and get out some new books

Read a magazine
Read a recipe- make something yummy!

Read a craft book- make something creative!

Write a recount about something fun you do in the holidays
Write a senses poem about a special event in the holidays

Write your own story about Boy Zero and General Pandemonium

Write a letter to someone in your family or a friend

Write instructions to do something

Write some comments on the blog
Write a report or explanation about something you find out about through your reading or experiences in the holidays
Draw an amazing picture and write about it:)

If you do any of these things- please bring them along to school in Term 2 and show us or tell us about your holiday learning!! Happy holidays!


  1. wow i might do somethings off the list:)!!!

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Simon says

Boy Zero 3: Trailer

UHPS Circus fun!!!

Create your own video slideshow at

Times tables fun!