This Term in Room 16 we are learning to write procedures. A procedure is an set of instructions that tells the reader how to do something. Each procedure needs to include: (success criteria)
- A title
- An introduction or goal
- A list of equipment or ingredients
- Numbered and detailed steps in order
- Command verbs at the beginning of each step
- A conclusion or summary
- Pictures or photos
How to pack your school bag. (By Liri Jonas)
BagBook bag
Drink bottle
Lunch boxJumper
1. Get your school bag
2. Take your drink bottle and get some water
3. Get your mum or dad to help you make your lunch
4. Put it in your school bag
5. Bring your book bag and put it into your bag
6. Get your jumper.
7. Now you are ready for school
Top tip:
Put your drink bottle into the freezer in the morning and take it out before you go to school. Your drink will be really cold!
How to make a Milo (By Ben Martin)
Boiling water
1. Get a cup
2. Get a milo tin
3. Put a teaspoon of milo in the cup
4. Get the kettle and carefully tip some boiling water into the cup
5. Stir well. Try not to spill it
6. Add some milk
7. Have it normal or get 3-4 marshmellows and put them in
8. You're all done! Ready to drink!

May 12, 2011 at 1:07 AM
Great procedural writing Room 16! You are all able to include the features of instructions and some of you are now adding introductions and conclusions!
What super writers,
From Mrs M:)